Tuesday, April 24, 2007



INTRODUTION: Virtual technology is a user interactive technology this is very advance and creative application it may be real or imaginary. Virtual reality is primarily visual experiences that manly consist of display screens or computer screens and some are of special stereoscopic display.user can interact with virtual devices such as keyboard, mouse, this is used in medical and gaming applications, the most widely used application is in the industry, the real helpful in entertainment industry, engineering, oil exploration and military. The sound is also a virtual technology which is then converted in to 3d sound these are the sounds remains localized in space. These sounds are very effective in closed room the experience of this sound will be as if the situation is just around us.
High-fidelity virtual reality experience is very difficult to create, due to technical limitations, image resolution and communication bandwidth.
3D computers and video games were developed for that the person should where the shooters as shown in the fig down. This is a three dimensional movie or any vision as to be watched using these shooters. Shooters are just like specs with out using that three dimensional fig is not viewed by human eye.


virtual video is used to watch movie and clips or any video using this is a small device which we should place just like spectacle so that the image is viewed just as if we are watching the movie in theatre image appear very large though we are watching in small device.


www.crystalinks.com /virtual reality.html
Burdea, G. and P. Coffet (2003). Virtual Reality Technology, Second Edition. Wiley-IEEE Press.

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